Nurse Continence Specialists
Every person in the whole wide world has a bladder and a bowel and in order to achieve the milestone of independent toileting they need to recognize how their bladder and bowel tell them when it is time to stop what they are doing and go to the toilet.
Learning to interpret these feelings as the need to wee or poo is known as interoception and many people with disabilities have trouble recognizing and/ or communicating those cues.
Continence First Nurse Continence Specialists work with people to fill in the gaps in their toileting skills so that they will sit happily on the toilet to wee and poo!

Our Mission
Liberating people from the embarrassment, shame and isolation of incontinence
Our Vision
Being recognised as a centre of excellence in the assessment and management of all types of incontinence issues
My child will not sit to poo?This is an extremely common problem in children where they may ask for a nappy to poo into or hold on for days if the nappy is not given, do poo in their pants or wait until they are in their night nappy to poo. Parents often find these situations difficult to deal with and feel their child is never going to get out of nappies. The good news is that this behaviour can usually be reversed in time with an individualised continence assessment and management program, routine follow up and encouragement from a nurse continence specialist - Book your Consultation today
School camp is coming and my child still wets the bed overnight?This is quite a common problem in children with approximately 20% of five year olds and 10% of seven year olds who still wet the bed and tends to run in families. Bed wetting can cause alot of distress for the child and the family. Treatment is usually offered to children who are 5 years or older and have had good day time control for at least 10 months. Book your Consultation today
Recently our resident has become incontinent of faeces?It is important to organise a continence assessment as soon as possible because a holistic assessment can often isolate the issues contributing to the onset of faecal incontinence and a management strategy can be developed and implemented collaboratively with the residents care team to restore faecal continence
I have just had a permanent indwelling suprapubic catheter (SPC) inserted to empty my bladder and I need a nurse to change it regularly?Permanent SPC catheterisation requires nurse continence specialists, urology nurses or registered division one nurses with specific training to change an SPC because they are not a permanent stoma. This means that if the catheter is not reinserted within a short time frame there is a risk that the stoma will close and require surgical intervention to create a new stoma. Nurse Continence Specialist's have years of trouble shooting experience to ensure your catheter care is managed according to best practice principles
We need best practice education to care for people with complex bladder and bowel issues?We develop and deliver complex bladder and bowel care programs in a face to face education learning experience utilising simulation manikins and observation at the bedside to gain competency certification. Book your Consultation today
We need advice on the most appropriate continence products for incontinence containment ?There is such an enormous range of continence containment and management products available to the consumer that it can be quite a daunting experience to decide on the most appropriate products that represent value for money and actually improve an individual's self esteem and confidence so that they will participate in recreational and social activities. At continence first we spend a large component of our time staying abreast of the new products, testing their efficacy and keeping the containment companies accountable - Book your Consultation today